In today’s world of hectic schedules and limited time, making appointments that seem unnecessary is a luxury most people can’t afford. Likewise, getting your eyes checked when there’s no problem with your vision can seem like a waste of time. The scary truth is many eye diseases show no symptoms during the early stages. The same can be said for other diseases that affect the rest of the body.
The good news is a comprehensive eye exam not only spots problems with your eyes early on but also other early signs of disease in the body. Read on as a Camarillo, CA optometrist talks about how getting yearly comprehensive eye exams can help you avoid serious health problems down the road.
Your Eyes Mirror Your Health
The delicate structures that make up your eyes connect with your body’s major systems. A network of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues supply your eyes with needed oxygen and nutrients. What’s more, the health of this network reveals what’s going on in the rest of the body.
Your optometrist can detect over 20 health issues in the early stages just by conducting a comprehensive eye exam. For these reasons, getting your eyes checked regularly is an essential part of maintaining good health, in general.
Serious Health Issues a Comprehensive Eye Exam Can Detect
High Blood Pressure
- places pressure on the small blood vessels in the eyes; can cause leaks in the back of the eye
- causes blockages in the eyes’ blood vessels; can also cause leaks in the back of the eye
High Cholesterol
- fatty deposits attach to the inside of the blood vessels in the retina; can manifest as blue or yellow rings around your cornea
- cancerous cells can form on the outer surface of the eye and also inside the eye’s structures
Rheumatoid Arthritis
- pain, redness, and inflammation in the sclera or white part of the eyes may be early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
- dry eye is another symptom
Thyroid Disease
- bulging or protruding eyeballs are key signs of this condition
- may also cause dry eyes, blurry vision or even vision loss
Brain Tumor
- Causes pressure on the back of the eye
- May also cause pressure on the optic nerve
Catching health problems early allows you to take action to prevent further complications and a comprehensive eye exam can do that. If you have more questions or wish to schedule an appointment, call our Camarillo, CA optometry office today!